Life Between Lives, LBL

Life Between Lives, or Soul Journeying, enables you to access soul memories in a higher state of consciousness called the superconscious mind. When you access this at the quantum level you are aligned with your true state as a divine creative being.

Understand and Fulfill your Creative Life Purpose.

Dr. Michael Newton spent 25yrs. perfecting LBL. I trained with him personally and am honored to extend the experience to you.

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Consult with Christine to identify the process that is right for you.



Following deep relaxation Christine guides you into an experience of deep connection that is heart opening and leads the way for understanding soul purpose and clearing /healing of old templates. The process takes a path of regressing through childhood, the mother's womb space and then using the gateway of another lifetime or past life, and then through the gateway leaving the physical realm to access high realms. This process works well for the beginner, as well as those who want the original format designed by Dr. Michael Newton. It differs slightly from a Quantum Healing experience (Dolores Cannon) as it regresses more slowly to ensure that the deepest trance is maintained and then follows a flexible protocol to include such experiences as the soul group, the council and many others outlined in Dr. Michael Newtons books; Journey of Souls, and Destiny of Souls.

ASCENSION PROCESS (1.54 minute mark on audio)

Specifically for the awakening souls, star seeds, light workers and those ready to take-up their mission, their purpose for incarnating on Earth at this important time. 

This process links you up with the Higher Self for specific information, alignment, downloads and direct transmissions. This bypasses the pathway taken by LBL being more direct and a fast-track for ascension. It is expansive, uplifting and fills the soul with a knowing and clarity of purpose. The Higher Self guides the session throughout. This process does require that the individual will go into trance easily and previous meditation or trance experience is necessary.

Both soul journeying experiences accesses the super-consciousness, and from this perspective of the soul you will gain an overview of your life and the many lives you have lived before. Merge with the Higher Self, meet your personal spirit guide and other souls and beings of the light.  In this higher 'space' you can ask questions about your life and propel your awakening journey to truly live your purpose. What this looks like. - 

PREPERATION   30 - 45 mins 

  • Consultation via phone or skype with Christine. 
  • Identify the process for you. Traditional LBL or *Ascension Process. (Hear more - Ascension method audio on web home page)
  • Compile your list of questions that you would like information on from the Higher Self.
  • Cast of Characters, family and people in your life who may show up in the soul space.

THE SESSION   3-4 hours

  • Discussion time for clarification of questions and cast.
  • Relaxation and deepening process.
  • Womb space and last life.
  • The Gateway entering super consciousness.
  • Connection/merging with Higher Self.
  • Post session briefing.
  • Time to ground, snack, tea, prior to departure.
  • Follow up -, receive online recording of session.


Balance payable 24hrs prior to session.



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