What Is MOLLE, How Do I Use It, And What Do I Need?

Two of the most common questions we get at Tactical 5.11 are: "What is MOLLE, and how do I use it?" Here's the answer!

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1) What is MOLLE?

The MOLLE SYSTEM is a military acronym for an "accessory attachment system," it stands for:

  • Modular
  • Lightweight
  • Load Carrying
  • Equipment

The MOLLE SYSTEM gives you maximum adjustability for attaching accessories around the outside of your backpack, conveniently and securely. Here's how it's done - see next step.

2) Choose The Right MOLLE Backpack Size For You

For these instructions, we're choosing RUSH12™ BACKPACK 24L. If you're not sure what size is right for you, watch the following helpful video that breaks it all down:

How To Choose The Right MOLLE Backpack Size For You! 

When you've made your choice, proceed to step 3.

3) Attaching A MOLLE Pouch To Your MOLLE Backpack

Before you attach a MOLLE pouch of any kind to your backpack, first take the object out of the pouch.

  1. Every MOLLE pouch has a piece of material that slides (see image 1 of this step for a visual). You will use this piece to thread your MOLLE pouch on to your backpack.
  2. Notice a snap at one end of the piece; alway start the threading process with the snap leading the way.  If you start threading with the other end leading the way, you'll find it does not work and you'll have to start again.
  3. Also, your MOLLE pouch must be facing down as you start the weave (see image 3 on this step for a visual).
  4. Start the first weave by threading the snap through the first strap of the backpack (image 3 shows this as well).
  5. Next, thread the snap back through the first strap on the back of the MOLLE flashlight pouch (see image 4).
  6. Now thread the snap back through the SECOND strap on the backpack (see image 5)
  7. One more thread and you're done - thread the snap through the very TOP strap of MOLLE flashlight pouch and then SNAP IT DOWN ... and you're done.
  8. Give it a nice tug to make sure it is secure.
  9. Place your flashlight back into the MOLLE pouch, which is now totally secured on your backpack and easily accessible - you're good to go!

4) This Is How It Should Look When You’re Done

If it looks like the image above, you got it right!  You can attach any MOLLE Accessory Pouch the same way.

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  • Hey... $1.29 cents for a kick-ass backpack???? I'll take 12!!!!
  • I have 12 of each of these backpacks!!! LOVE THEM!!!
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