How Fighters Prepare in the Elite Gyms of Bangkok.

A team of 5 prepares 1 fighter. Outside of the ring: Trainer 1 (NULLFang) massaging the lactic acid out of the muscles before going into the next round. Trainer 2 (NULLQ) is monitoring the fighters output and heart rate. Inside of the ring: Trainer 3... read more


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A team of 5 prepares 1 fighter.

Outside of the ring: Trainer 1 (NULLFang) massaging the lactic acid out of the muscles before going into the next round. Trainer 2 (NULLQ) is monitoring the fighters output and heart rate.

Inside of the ring: Trainer 3 (NULLTen) is holding the pads while Trainer 4 (NULLWang) is instructing and making sure the correct activity is performed (NULLin this round, punches, teeps, blocking and kicks). The gentleman in the corner is holding a paper with instructions and a cell phone from which he is taking further instruction from the boss (NULLPK).

Trainer 4 (NULLWang) is seen pushing the fighter, telling him to hurry up, add more speed, not to move backwards. It's all part of a strategy to stress the fighter out mentally and place a sense of urgency to continue forward.



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