Countdown_04 (Converted).mov

Countdown_04 (Converted).mov

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Just to remind folks --- I like showing people how to do animation. I've taught almost 2,000 people how to draw animation, and how to use 2D and 3D animation Software. My brother and I started drawing when we were in diapers. Eventually that got us to where we could make some $$$ at it. I'm not saying it's easy. But it's a way to make a living, if you hustle. •••••••••••••

When you start doing animation for dollars, it's nice to have a number of ways to put your name on the work, without messing it up for the work. Artists who paint normally sign their Canvas, or the water color   paper, or the frame. Well, when you create a TV spot it's way too short to advertise the CLIENT's product AND YOU, THE ARTIST at the same time. But every commercial needs to have the countdown for when it's transferred to a Broadcast format... So having your own customized Countdown is a way of letting the professionals know you made this commercial... This was created with Lightwave 3D animation software. There are a lot of 3D applications, and it seems like there are more of'em every week.



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  • Just to remind folks --- I like showing people how to do animation. I've taught almost 2,000 people how to draw animation, and how to use 2D and 3D animation Software. My brother and I started drawing when we were in diapers. Eventually that got us to where we could make some $$$ at it. I'm not saying it's easy. But it's a way to make a living, if you hustle. ••••••••••••• When you start doing animation for dollars, it's nice to have a number of ways to put your name on the work, without messing it up for the work. Artists who paint normally sign their Canvas, or the water color paper, or the frame. Well, when you create a TV spot it's way too short to advertise the CLIENT's product AND YOU, THE ARTIST at the same time. But every commercial needs to have the countdown for when it's transferred to a Broadcast format... So having your own customized Countdown is a way of letting the professionals know you made this commercial... This was created with Lightwave 3D animation software. There are a lot of 3D applications, and it seems like there are more of'em every week.
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