Episode #038: Tunguska's Geocosmic Lessons

Tunguska witnesses’ accounts and photos from Leonid Kulik’s team excursions into blast zone, as we ponder what forces could've inspired the frightful anecdotes and created the many odd features that remain – some of them reminiscent of Carolina Bays

Scientific observations and secondary effects

Seismic and pressure waves, new streams, bright nights across Europe, exotic materials in the soils, and genetic mutations...

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Randall reviews some of the Tunguska witnesses’ extraordinary accounts and shares photos from Leonid Kulik’s team excursions into the blast zone (treks that are worthy of a high-budget movie) as we ponder what forces could have inspired the frightful anecdotes and created the many odd features that remain – some of them reminiscent of Carolina Bays. A quote from Isaac Asimov points out the coincidences of timing and location that allowed it to leave plenty of evidence for study without killing a single human. Scientific observations and secondary effects included seismic and pressure waves, new streams, bright nights across Europe, exotic materials in the soils, and genetic mutations. Finally: Were the Taurids the source for the Tunguska object and the clustered bombardments around the Younger Dryas Boundary?


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Podcast G-crew email: Kosmographia1618@gmail.com

Info on upcoming trips with Randall and the crew: TOURS@RandallCarlson.com

Offer your time/services/accommodations here: VOLUNTEER@RandallCarlson.com

Add to the expanding library of evidence here: RESEARCH@RandallCarlson.com

Small class lectures "Cosmography 101" from '06-'09 on Brad's original channel: https://youtube.com/geocosmicrex


Full listing of scientific papers about the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis: https://cosmictusk.com 


Kosmographia logo and design animation by Brothers of the Serpent. Check out their podcast: http://www.BrothersoftheSerpent.com/

Theme music “Deos” by Fifty Dollar Dynasty: http://www.FiftyDollarDynasty.net/

Video recording, editing and publishing by Bradley Young with YSI Productions LLC (copyrights), with audio mastered by Kyle Allen.



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  • Chocolate is ALREADY the food of the Gods... Add a euphoric and pain mitigator, and YAHOO! = | = | = | = | = | = | = | = The thing about the multiple Booms from a fast moving meteor: I'm thinking its outer layers are ablating and exploding INTERMITTENTLY... each explosion clears the hottest layers and exposes cooler interior material, which heats up quickly and explodes again... Rinse and repeat... But EACH EXPLOSION comes at a greater distance, creating a series that sounds like an artillery barrage. A Lightning bolt might reach several miles from ground to cloud... In that case, the nearly SIMULTANEOUS concussions will arrive at different times because they're STARTING from widely separated positions.
  • About the shock wave, even though the pressure wave travels at the speed of sound, in some atmospheric conditions, the expanding spherical shell can be easily seen, because as it passes, the water vapor in the atmosphere condenses in the lower pressure region immediately behind the advancing wavefront. Almost like watching a wall of falling rain advancing toward you in some places... ������������� Using Google Earth, the experimental version, I entered "Tunguska Meteor site" and the system took me right to the epicenter... Well, actually, one of two adjacent more-or-less circular side-by-side structures, seemingly about 1000 meters across. Browsing the site, the User interface shows you the approximate "virtual" elevation from surface level in meters/kilometers, which helps give you some scale reference. ***** You can see in the satellite image a number of overlapping "arcuate" ellipsoidal features, and a number of intact elliptical "bays" or craters, if you like. But they seem to be oriented randomly, at least in the immediate vicinity of "Ground Zero." That makes sense, considering that an explosion centered directly over a point in the middle of this area, would send shock waves in all directions radially outward, at a velocity likely substantially greater than even the meteor's final velocity, slowing because of the long OBLIQUE passage through the atmosphere. �������������� The LIDAR imaging reveals, in particular, that most of us have been sleepwalking thru a minefield.����������������
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