Tony Byker - 'Not Gonna Lie To You'

From the album ‘The Kosher Pig’ Streaming, download or physical CD available at Bandcamp Big thanks to Laurence Bouchard for the video shots. h

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From the album ‘The Kosher Pig’

Streaming, download or physical CD available at Bandcamp

Big thanks to Laurence Bouchard for the video shots.

Not Gonna Lie To You

Take all it’s lies, take all

They’re gonna lie for sure

Gonna speak in tongues 

It might get painful

I’m not gonna lie to you

Their poison eats away

Shackles bound in pain

Their plans are fateful

I’m not gonna lie to you

I’ll never understand

Why you can’t see their brand


Just got the better of you

Their lies so plain to see

Painful to watch you believe

All that they say

I’m not gonna lie to you

Forever fateful A path of deceit 

On and on they cannot shed their

Falsehoods cannot sustain

Behind the veil they’ll choke and drown

At first they mock you 

Try to shock you

Then they try

Suppress your voices

Take your choices

Then they die

They try to eat away our conscience 

They try to crush our moral compass  

Coming to terms with the fact that the majority of people simply don’t have the ability to see through the lies, or even care. The constant social manipulation and censorship is just too complex to explain to those with closed minds.



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