A Time Traveler Left Behind Some Notes

I stayed at a boarding house for weird traveling artists like me. I found some notes in the room where I stayed. When I brought them to the proprietor she became mildly irate and told me a wild story about the guy who left the notes in the room.
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This guy has been AROUND


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I stayed at a boarding house for weird traveling artists like me. I found some notes in the room where I stayed. When I brought them to the proprietor she became mildly irate and told me a wild story about the guy who left the notes in the room. This dude has been around. Some pics to prove it are below.

See. I told you.

Smell the Inside of Your Nose. Do it Right Now. I’m Commercial Herschel and I’m here to help. Subscribe to my Substack, or you can buy me a coffee to comment. You can watch the video versions at BitchuteHowtube, and Rumble. Here is some killer Web3 for you Lightning users, check out my StackerPublish0X is a good place for traffic. I get downloads from it. I'm not using anti-free-speech outlets as much as possible. So there's no Blew it Tube or panic trauma social media. Sharing really helps. If you see something I do that's funny or interesting, or stupid and infuriating and you want to put it on your social media, go ahead. I can’t stop you. I'm just not getting involved with that.

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