Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Cover Up? This Will Probably Upset You...

Carved through solid bedrock more than 75ft down - the Egyptian government has chosen to literally cover-up this site - with trash. No joke, they turned it into a dump. Help support me on Patreon so I can make videos full-time: Link Below For... read more

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Carved through solid bedrock more than 75ft down - the Egyptian government has chosen to literally cover-up this site - with trash. No joke, they turned it into a dump.
Help support me on Patreon so I can make videos full-time:
For several different reasons, I must apologize for recommending the channel, 'Cfapps7865' at the end of this video. In no way do I endorse that channel, and have been unsubscribed for some time now. I had no idea that he would respond so rudely and unprofessionally to so many people that commented or asked questions related to his videos. There are many examples why, here is one: "Why cfapps7865's Sphinx as Anubis theory is all wrong" I've read your comments and feel awful that I didn't do more research into some things before recommending that channel.


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