Section-2: MSAART PLASMOID TECH / The Holy Grail of Science, Now Manifest / MODEL OF THE ELEMENTS

Malcolm explains PLASMOIDS in relation to THE MODEL OF THE ELEMENTS & Sacred Geometry. You will learn what they are, where they come from & why geometry is a necessary component to the understanding & practical application of the technology.

An Intro to Sacred Geometry by Randall Carlson:

WHY IS GEOMETRY SO IMPORTANT? Plasmoids are the embodiment of Sacred Geometry & Sacred Geometry is at the root of everything.

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  • Ok so from one mathematician to another, I interpret that the unification model is a proof of concept and foundation for the math involved in using plasmoid and implosion technology. It would be great to have a video clearly explaining what every single value and ring means, idc if it takes 5 hours. I understand as an educator, that the colorfulness is to attract young minds, but you say that this will be passed down, but what do the values actually mean and how do they pertain to the physical and tangible world? What does each ring mean? When it says terms such as Sun, Music, Elemental Crystal Forms, where is the legend that clearly explains that to a simpleton? Youngins are always asking the how and why. What I'm really interested is ring 15 and 20, when it aligns with silicon, does it mean that silicon resonates at 972 hz and that it creates melodies or sound at 15,000 hz?
  • Not alot of fanfare about this video series finally being posted. I don't believe this is a forum for questions to be answered but to those who watch this I'd like to just share my curiosities.--- Can these maths be paired up to known phenomena to indicate they can be practically applied?--- I'm struggling to visualize the electro-magnetic pattern in a toroid. How can it be self sustaining?--- Is it "insept battery".. "incept battery"... haha the internet has never heard of it apparently And in what ways does the moon act as a metronome? Very interesting. Also formatting for posts does not allow for extra lines.. so sorry for the wall of text. Good luck to everyone taking this interesting journey. Glad to be here with you
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