Tøny Byker - 'Synthetic Zero'

From the album ‘Eat Bugs And Save The World’ Streaming, download or physical CD available at Bandcamp https://tonybyker.bandcamp.com/album/...

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From the album ‘Eat Bugs And Save The World’

Streaming, download or physical CD available at Bandcamp



Can you feel it ?

Crawling ?

Through your veins ?

It’s morphing

Goyim they’re herding them like cattle

If you’re not sterilised they want you dead

Assimilate into the IoBSphere

Harvesting your biometric breath 

Synthetic zero

Synthetic hero

To break apart and confine this reality

Created by the mind in separate categories

So foolish and so futile just like trying to

Capture rays of light inside a dark room

They want us transhumanised, sterilised or dead.

The nano-tech self replicating mRNA Cløt$hot is part of the transhuman biotech fusion of the human body and brain with the Internet of Bodies, The injections contain various and unimaginable compounds, some of which cause these white stringy ‘clots’ throughout the veins of the body, amongst hundreds of other diseases and physiological and psychological problems listed on their own trial data. A complete network of 5G/6G control grid is being established in every city, with every single human being a kind of battery upon which all biometric data will be harvested and traded like stocks and shares to various governments and companies wanting to refine and target their products. Remote control pulses can be delivered to the masses to create social control and subdue the masses in to total subservience. Sterilisation is the goal of these injections ‘Janus’ …miscarriages, birth defects and low sperm count in males already is well documented. Already we see so many ambulances, so many young ‘healthy’  people collapsing, yet the ’normie’ doesn’t notice.



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