The Ancient Pyramids and Practical Thinking

What types of things can we learn from the Pyramids that can be useful today?
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The Pyramidal Principle

This is an important thing to understand to build something correctly.

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This is the photo I describe in the podcast. I apologize for the lack of visuals in the video. It's primarily a podcast and I'm still learning production. My podcasts are most mornings. Very early. 6AM Eastern Time. I tell a story and ask a question at the end for peple who might want to keep the discussion going in the comment sections here: and here, where you can get a free subscription to my updates: Paid comments are guaranteed to be read on the friday feedback show, and really good comments will be read regardless. Please share links and book recommendations. 

The relationship of a plumb wall to a curved Earth where gravity is pulled from the center of the Planet. 




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