Oak Island's Nolan's Cross & The Treasure Source

Does Nolan's Cross on Oak Island point to the source of the treasure, the island of Bornholm, Denmark? This Island, along with Gotland Sweden, have deep Templar history and churches. lt also points to the speculated departure point of a sect of... read more

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Does Nolan's Cross on Oak Island point to the source of the treasure, the island of Bornholm, Denmark? This Island, along with Gotland Sweden, have deep Templar history and churches. lt also points to the speculated departure point of a sect of the Knights Templar who journeyed to Minnesota in 1362 and carved the Kensington Runestone.

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In a 194-page book ``The Templars' Secret Island,'' Denmark's Erling Haagensen and Henry Lincoln of Britain say medieval round churches were built at sites on Bornholm based on the sacred geometry used by the Knights Templar elsewhere in Europe, most famously at Rennes-le-Chateau in southern France.
The Danish archbishop Eskil visited Knights Templar Grand Master Bertrand de Blanchefort in France in 1162, nine years after the death of his predecessor Bernard of Clairvaux. The historically recorded purpose of Eskil's visit -- coming at a time when the Knights Templar may have feared becoming vulnerable because of the influential Bernard's demise -- was to prepare a crusade against pagans inhabiting the Baltic Sea's northeastern coast in what is today Estonia and Latvia. The book suggests that Knights Templar who joined the Baltic crusade built Bornholm's churches and may have taken the opportunity to stash some treasures there.
Backing up the theory that Knights Templar treasures may have been hidden on Bornholm, the book says ancestors of the noblemen who founded the order lived on this rocky 587 square km (226.7 square miles) island, now part of Denmark and home to some 45,000 people. Burgundians Came From Bornholm The authors point to a find of nearly 3,000 tiny, intricately carved golden figures unearthed in a 1985-86 excavation of a Bornholm field as lending credibility to their claim of a Bornholm connection. The golden figures have been dated to AD 400-600 when the Merovingians -- a clan of Frankish kings who claimed to be, like Jesus, of the house and lineage of the Bible's King David -- were at the height of their power.



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