Emerald Tablets Of Thoth ~ The Pyramid Shaft Secret

The most interesting part of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth is his claim to have built the Great Pyramid and his knowledge of what lay within. What was Thoth trying to tell us? Any guesses? Was it symbolic? Was it something tangible? Was it the... read more

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The most interesting part of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth is his claim to have built the Great Pyramid and his knowledge of what lay within. What was Thoth trying to tell us? Any guesses? Was it symbolic? Was it something tangible? Was it the secret of life? Or did Dr. Zahi Hawass and his crew already find it before later expeditions could explore further? A later study just showed another wall or block in the shaft.
The Emerald Tablet's of Thoth the Atlantean were written and
translated in the 1920's by a man that goes by the name Doreal.
He was aware of something that wasn't discovered until 1992. Not only is it more than interesting it also gives some creditability to his translation of the tablets.

Music - Angelic Happiness by Jingle Punks



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