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Hello there and welcome to my channel. My name is Marcella Robertson and this is, Awakened Astrology …

Ever since I read my first horoscope, from my home town’s newspaper, I was hooked. There was something deep within that kept me attached to reading my horoscope for most of my adult life. But it wouldn’t be until the year 2010 for me to move from just reading my horoscope to looking into becoming an actual astrologer myself.

I began studying on my own for the first few years then I found a teacher who would help sculpt and carve a special kind of understanding about the practice of astrology. Her name is Debra Silverman and she is the owner of Debra Silverman Astrology - Applied Astrology, an online astrology school + certification and author of The Missing Element. She is also a Psychologist and uses astrology to aide herself and her clients during sessions. I found this to be fascinating and knew right then this was the teacher for me. I went on to graduate from Applied Astrology online school levels I & II and continue with my studies to this day as it may take many lifetimes to learn it all. 

Working with people through astrology has been one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done. As a conduit for kindness and compassion myself, I love to assist those who are ready and willing to turn to themselves for what they are looking for. Astrology shows how you are energetically wired. It tells us your potentials and possibilities as well as your tendencies, habits and challenges you chose to overcome. With self-acceptance, allowance and approval you will free yourself from a victim mentality and from a lifetime of suffering. What could be better than that!

I have worked diligently on self-reflection and my own impact on the world, like, what am I bring to the party kind of thing. I have taken personal responsibility for my entire life and have a clear understanding about the power of forgiveness, especially to one's self. I am committed to releasing the illusions of fear, unworthiness and self-loathing. I’ve shifted my perceptions awakening to and incorporating new ways of living, loving and listening. 

Here at Awakened Astrology, you will be encouraged and supported toward new positive thoughts, ideas and techniques  all of which can assist with clearing old destructive habits, addictions and programs thus carving out a pathway to overall success, health and well being.

Awakened Astrology is just one way, one tool to assist with tapping into the ultimate power of you! 

Because the one you’ve been waiting for, is You! 

~ Loving Life Unconditionally ~

Marcella Robertson

Awakened Astrology 



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